Nextgen Aviation

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  • Suite 33-01, 33rd Floor, Menara Keck Seng, 203, Jalan Bukit Bintang,
    55100 Kuala Lumpur,
    Wilayah Persekutuan, Malaysia.
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Job scopes of a pilot
Why a pilot
Working condition

What does a Pilot do?

A pilot's role extends beyond just navigating an aircraft. It's a profession that combines technical skills, leadership, and a commitment to safety. Let's explore what it means to be a pilot.

Job scopes of a pilot

Job Scopes of a Pilot

Pilots are responsible for:

  • + Preparing and checking flight plans.
  • + Conducting pre-flight checks, including weather forecasts, the plane's load, fuel, and equipment.
  • + Calculating the amount of fuel needed for flights.
  • + Programming flight management systems.
  • + Liaising with air traffic control.
  • + Navigating and flying the plane to its destination.
  • + Writing flight reports and maintaining a flight log.
  • + Assisting passengers and ensuring their comfort.
Why a pilot

Why a Pilot?

  • + Must be driven by passion for flying.
  • + Travel for free.
  • + Continuous improvement on your skill set.
  • + High salaries.
  • + Worldwide employment opportunities.
Pilot working condition

Working Conditions

  • + Pilots often work irregular hours.
  • + May have to be on call during evenings and weekends.
  • + Work environment can be noisy and can become uncomfortable in bad weather.
  • + Work in airports and aeroplane cockpits.
  • + Often travel between local or international destination.
Pilot salary scale

Salary Scale

A pilot's salary is calculated by multiplying the number of flight hours by their hourly rate. Established airline pilots are paid very well.

  • + Captain (12th) : Captain (12th years onwards)
  • + Captain (1st) : Captain (1st year)
  • + Captain (8th) : Captain (8th years onwards)
  • + First Officer (>1.5k hrs) : First Officer (>1,500 hours/APTL)
  • + First Officer (>2.5k hrs) : First Officer (>2,500 hours/APTL - 3,000 hours/APTL)
  • + Junior First Officer : Junior First Officer / Second Officer

Career pathway and requirement

Airline Pilot

Every country may have its own requirements and opportunities. Always check with the respective civil aviation authority before pursuing your pilot training.

Private Pilot License Commercial Pilot License Multiple Engine Instrument Rating

Private Pilot License (PPL)

  • + Must pass Class 2 aviation medical examination.
  • + 17 years and above.
  • + Aircraft for private or recreational use only.

Commercial Pilot License (CPL)

  • + Must pass Class 1 aviation medical examination.
  • + Be at least 18 years old.
  • + Malaysian students - must have 5 credits in SPM / O Level including Math, Science and English.
  • + Must pass to Level 4 at Aviation English Language Test.
  • + If you want to get paid for flying then you need this license. This license lets you fly as a professional pilot.


Multi Engine Instrument Rating (MEIR)

  • + Teaches you to fly the aircraft with sole reference to instruments with no visual references.
  • + It is a qualification which entitles the student to fly in the same manner as airline pilots.


Airline Transport Pilot License (ATPL) Exams

  • + In Malaysia, there are 13/14 subjects and exams to be passed at this stage.
  • + A 'Frozen' ATPL is the name given to the qualification of a pilot who holds passes in all ATPL theoretical exams.


Airline Pilot Standard Multi Crew Co-Operation (APS MCC)

  • + Regulated by EASA and the UK's CAA, is recognized for its rigorous standards and comprehensive training methodology.
  • + Focus on 9 pilot competencies.
  • + Focus on specific competencies as motivation and professional attitude, pilot monitoring, briefings and energy management.
  • + Produce Type Rating ready pilots - increase your chances of getting hired compared to Frozen ATPL holders.


Type Rating Training

  • + Is required to fly a specific aircraft type.
  • + Every aircraft type has its own Type Rating training.
  • + All the flying will be done in a Full Flight Simulator.
  • + Complete this phase with Base Training where you will do six take-offs and landings on the actual aircraft.


Line Training

  • + Final stage of training in airlines where you fly with line training captains.
  • + Teaches you the daily operation of that aircraft type within that airline.
  • + Once passed the Line Check, you will be released to normal flying.


Airline Transport Pilot License (ATPL)

  • + The highest-level license for a pilot.
  • + Allows you to be a Captain of an aircraft in a commercial airline.
  • + When you achieve a total of 1500 flying hours.


Airway Aviation
Australian National Airline College
Admal Aviation College
University of Central Missouri
New Zealand Airline Academy
Aviacion Tejedor