Nextgen Aviation

Get in touch

  • +(603) 2116 9663 / +60174065767
  • Suite 33-01, 33rd Floor, Menara Keck Seng, 203, Jalan Bukit Bintang,
    55100 Kuala Lumpur,
    Wilayah Persekutuan, Malaysia.
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Pilot Training Academies


Pilot Training Academy (Melbourne, Australia)

Australia National Airline College (ANAC)

Established with a mission to provide personalised and flexible training, ANAC uses the most advanced training tools and techniques available today. Our facilities include air-conditioned classrooms, a flight planning room, and an onsite maintenance facility. Located at Moorabbin Airport, known for its excellent year-round flying conditions, ANAC offers students exposure to various facets of professional aviation. With a CASA-approved Flight Testing Officer on staff, we ensure that our training and testing standards are among the highest in the industry.

pilot training
pilot training
Pilot Training ANAC

Pilot Training Academy

Recommended For Chinese And International Students Who Are Loooking For a Quality Pilot Training and Education In Australia


Why Airways Aviation?

  • + Comprehensive Training Programs. 
  • + Highly Qualified Staffs and Flight Instructors. 
  • + Modern Training Environment.
  • + Recognition and Certification from CASA and CAAC.

Unique Opportunities

ANAC offers a unique educational pathway that includes

  • + Civil Aviation Authority China (CAAC) Approval. 
  • + Diploma of Aviation (Commercial Pilot Licence). 
  • + Diploma of Aviation (Instrument Rating).

Aircrafts and Simulator

  • + Piper Warrior.
  • + Piper Arrow.
  • + Piper Seminole.
  • + Elite IGATE S623 Flight Simulator.
Unique Opportunities


Course Pilot Course

Diploma of Aviation (Commercial Pilot Licence & Multi Engine Instrument Rating)

Diploma of Aviation (Commercial Pilot Licence & Multi Engine Instrument Rating)

Ideal for students who are looking to start a career as a Commercial Pilot and earn a prestigious Australian Diploma.

  • + High quality training and Diploma.
  • + World class training environment in a world class city of Melbourne.
  • + Scenic flight training environment at Melbourne.
  • + Instalment plan is available.

  • + Must be at least 18 years of age.
  • + Requires international students to provide English language results comparable to 6.0 IELTS (with no band score less than 5.5).
  • + Must hold a valid CASA Class 1 Medical (can be done in Australia).

  • + 93 weeks (full-time).

  • + An Australian Diploma of Aviation (Commercial Pilot License).
  • + Commercial Pilot License (CPL) awarded by CASA.
  • + Multi Engine Instrument Rating (MEIR) endorsement.

  • + Starting from AU$112,000.00

Pilot Training Academy

Recommended For Chinese & International Students Who Are Looing For Airline Pilot Jobs


Airway Aviation
Australian National Airline College
Admal Aviation College
University of Central Missouri
New Zealand Airline Academy
Aviacion Tejedor