Pilot Training Academies
Pilot Training Academy (New Zealand)
International Aviation Academy of New Zealand
The International Aviation Academy of New Zealand (IAANZ) is the professional flight training arm of the Canterbury Aero Club, which has been in operation since 1928. The Academy is located at Christchurch International Airport in a world-class facility, which includes a large modern fleet of aircraft and Flight Simulation Training Devices (FSTD). The Academy's graduates are highly sought after by airlines in New Zealand and around the world due to the high-quality training they receive.


New Zealand's pilot training is considered one of the best in the world. We offer the following courses:

Commercial Pilot Licence (CPL)
This course is designed for those who wish to make a career in aviation. The course includes a minimum of 200 hours of flight time, with at least 100 hours as Pilot in Command. The course also includes cross-country flight, instrument flight, and night flight training.
- + The average duration is approximately 12 months.
- + 6 theory exams for PPL.
- + 6 theory exams for CPL.
- + based on 202 hours flight time and includes PPL.
- + cross country flight test and
- + CPL flight test
- + Cross Country Flying.
- + Night Flying.
- + Simulator Flying.
- + Dual Instruction.
- + Solo Flying.
- + Flight Test.
- + You must be at least 18 years on the start date of the program.
- + Class 1 medical – Class 1 medical 'FIT' for CPL of CAA NZ (Civil Aviation Authority of New Zealand).
- + Highest educational certificate from their home country.
- + IELTS overall score of 5.5 or equivalent English test acceptable to Immigration NZ.
Pilot Training Academy
Recommended For International Students Who Are Interested To Learn Flying In New Zealand And Return to Home Country For Licence Conversion
Commercial Pilot Licence with Multi Engine Instrument Rating (CPL/MEIR)
This programme is designed for the student whose primary goal is an airline career.
- + The average duration is approximately 14 months.
- + based on 252 hours flight time, this course includes PPL.
- + 6 theory exams for PPL.
- + 6 theory exams for CPL.
- + 3 theory exams for IR.
- + Single Engine Instrument Rating (SEIR).
- + Multi Engine Instrument Rating (MEIR).
- + Cross Country Flying.
- + Night Flying.
- + Simulator Flying.
- + Dual Instruction.
- + Solo Flying.
- + Flight Test.
- + You must be at least 18 years on the start date of the program.
- + Class 1 medical – Class 1 medical 'FIT' for CPL of CAA NZ (Civil Aviation Authority of New Zealand).
- + Highest educational certificate from their home country.
- + IELTS overall score of 5.5 or equivalent English test acceptable to Immigration NZ.
Contact Us for the latest Fee.

Pilot Training Academy
Recommended For Students Who Are Interested To Become An Airline Pilot

- + 12 October 2023
- + 30th Jan 2024
- + 17th April 2024
- + 26th June 2024
- + 10 October 2024
Phase 1
- + Fill out the application form and attach any relevant documents.
Phase 2
- + Take an online multitasking test called "ADAPT". This would cost approx. NZ$100 and you can log –in by clicking this link http://www.nzskillsconnect.co.nz/.
Phase 3
- + Register and sit for IELTS - please contact NextGen Aviation for more information.
Phase 4
- + Complete an online Skype based interview with the admission manager. Skype ID – iaanz.interview
Phase 5
- + If you are successful in the interview stage, a letter of offer will be sent to you.
Phase 6
- + Apply for "Student Visa" with Immigration New Zealand before or after paying the course fees.
Phase 7
- + Get a Class 1 Aviation medical done on arrival in NZ or from any doctor in the following link https://www.caa.govt.nz/medical/medical-home.