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Pilot Training Academies


Pilot Training Academy (USA)

University of Central Missouri (UCM)

The University of Central Missouri is a public university in Warrensburg, Missouri. UCM's program is designed to provide students with a comprehensive education that combines theoretical knowledge with practical flight training. The program's curriculum is designed to ensure students are well-equipped to operate single- and multi-engine aircraft safely and efficiently.

pilot training
pilot training
Pilot Training University of Central Missouri (UCM)

Pilot Training Academy

Recommended For International Students Who Are Looking To Be Trained In a University And Earn a Bachelor Degree


Why UCM?

  • + Established pilot school with over 50 years of history. 
  • + Recognized and respected in the aviation industry.
  • + Strong connections to successful alumni.
  • + High job placement rate within six months of graduation.
  • + Accredited by the Aviation Accreditation Board International.
  • + Access to the Max B. Swisher Skyhaven Airport, the only university-owned airport in Missouri.

Unique Learning Opportunities

  • + Train at UCM's Skyhaven Airport, just three miles from campus. 
  • + Chance to earn a Flight Instructor certification at UCM.
  • + Engage in student-led aviation clubs and activities.
  • + Benefit from industry partnerships with major airlines and aviation companies.

Flight Training Equipment

UCM offers state-of-the-art flight training equipment to its students:

  • + Cessna 172 Skyhawk: Used for training in Private Pilot, Instrument Rating, Commercial Pilot, and Flight Instructor courses.
  • + Beechcraft B58 Baron: Used for the Multi-Engine Rating training course.
  • + Frasca and Redbird flight training devices: These simulators allow students to train on various types of aircraft, including the Skyhawk 172 (both G1000/glass cockpit and steam gauge) and Beechcraft Baron.
  • + Boeing 737-800 simulator: Offers hands-on experience with checklist flows, systems, and avionics packages of a large aircraft.
Unique Opportunities UCM


Course Pilot Course

UCM offers a prestigious Professional Pilot Bachelor's Degree program that has been a cornerstone of aviation education for over 50 years.

Bachelor of Science In Professional Pilot Program

Bachelor of Science In Professional Pilot Program

The mission of the Professional Pilot degree program at UCM is to prepare students for placement and advancement in the aviation industry. The program aims to provide students with:

  • + Clear and concise expression in writing and speech.
  • + Skills to complete and present research-based projects.
  • + Teamwork and collaboration in simulated work environments.
  • + Critical thinking to define solutions to challenges.
  • + Knowledge of aviation terminology and key literature references.
  • + Ability to recognize and solve practical and theoretical problems in aviation.
  • + Understanding of safety, economic, and political issues affecting aviation.
  • + Knowledge of leadership and management in the aviation industry.
  • + Awareness of career options, academic opportunities, and professional training post-graduation.
  • + Skills to apply for next-step career opportunities.

  • + Private Ground School
  • + Aviation History
  • + Aviation Management
  • + Specialisation courses for Professional Pilot majors include:
    • -- Propulsion Systems
    • -- Instrument Ground School
    • -- Aircraft Systems and Components
    • -- Aerodynamics
    • -- Several flight courses

The University of Central Missouri aviation program partnered with multiple airlines to ensure the continued success of aviation student:

  • + DELTA Airlines Guaranteed Interview
  • + ENVOY Air Pilot Pipeline Program
  • + GOJET Airlines Pipeline Program

The estimated cost of flight training associated with the Professional Pilot degree ranges from $70,000.00 to $75,000.00. This amount is separate from other educational expenses like room, board, and tuition. It's crucial for prospective students to have a financial plan in place before enrolling.

Pilot Training Academy

Recommended For Students Who Are Interested To Gain Experience And Build Flying Hours In USA Before Gaining Employment In Arlines


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